
Youngsters B-Ball Inc. (“YBBI”) partnered with the Gisimba Memorial Center which has long been a home-away-from-home for vulnerable children. It is one of the oldest and well-reputed orphan residencies in Rwanda. In 2012, Rwanda adopted “A Child Care Reform” where all children living in orphanages were to be integrated into foster families and community instead of aging out of his or her respective orphanage.  It was because of that forward-thinking initiative that the Gisimba Memorial Center responded to the change and instituted a childhood development program called Gisimba After School Program Initiative (“GASPI”) in order to continue safely nurturing many vulnerable children from surrounding communities.  YBBI saw the need to be a part of this initiative any way we could.

The program encompasses educational, recreational and enriching activities to enhance children’s capacity and development. For a successful completion of its objectives (see below), GASPI adopted quality standards referring to an already established New Jersey Quality Standards For After school, here in the United States.  Each year, this program serves more than 150 children from vulnerable families living in Nyarugenge District of Rwanda. Their mission was to promote child’s rights, a volunteer spirit and community stewardship.

GASPI’s General objectives:
Stimulating and inspiring the community in the promotion and establishment of After school Programs countrywide;
Improving children academic performances;
Creating a promising responsible youth generation through promotion of childhood development in Rwanda; and
Promoting activism and volunteering among the youth.

GASPI’s Specific objectives:
To enhance child protection and fight against child abuse, and neglect;
To keep children free of juvenile delinquency;
To facilitate access to childhood development care services;
To promote Rwandan culture and literature;
Children’s talent detection and development of such known talents;
To promote daily recreational activities;
Conversational platforms for GASPI’s children to be held every Saturday evening to express their ideas and discuss their social issues with their peers in a safe judgment-free environment;
Devise a development program aimed at training GASPI’s volunteers and facilitators as to how to deal with the social issues that youths deal with on a daily basis;
Provide volunteer opportunities for the community as well as foreign visitors;
Develop and implement projects and programs that enrich the lives of children; and
Consistently track the progress of the children's academic performance and grades as well as focusing on how to improve their home life.

Of course, every community enrichment program must start somewhere which is why YBBI and YBBCI partnered with the Gisimba Memorial Organization through GASPI to bring state-side awareness to the efforts that are being made to ensure that every child in Rwanda, of meager means, will eventually benefit from this program and many others that are in the works.  The goal is to assist them in covering the Center's operating costs so that they can continue to be a safe haven for the kids in the surrounding areas.  Their budget is only US$5,000 (per year) and YBBCI is committed to assisting them in their continual quest to raise funds for their day-to-day operations starting with the "I Know I Can" Camp (inspired by Nas' 2003 song) that was held in November 2017.  Along with local businesses in the City of Kigali, several International sponsors, volunteers and supply companies, YBBI can do more with your help.  If you are interested in donating time, resources, and/or funds to GASPI, please contact us today.