
COACH SEAN affectionally known as "coach GROOVE" 

Working with our kids is Brooklyn has always been soft spot for me but I figured out early in our visit to Kigali, Rwanda that we had hidden gems that we can't hide anymore. Working closely with the Basketball Federation ensured that our job would be made easy.  Our team of coaches noted that the kids are hungry to learn the fundamentals of the game and our job is to bring it out of them.  We want to help them get to where they want to go.  

Our goal is to prepare the campers for the next level of their lives.  By way of basketball, we help them show and gain the respect, life skills, and grow to be amazing young men or women so as to utilize those talents in everyday life that will benefit them forever.  I'm extremely proud to be a part of their journey wherever it takes them. Whether they pursue college, pro-level ball or other endeavors of greatness they will be hidden gems ANY MORE!



In March of 2017, while in Rwanda scouting locations for my film project, I was having dinner with the Ministry of Sport and Culture to discuss my trip, the film project and other ventures that we would be interested in delving in while in Rwanda. During my conversations, I called my partner, Coach Sean, while sitting next to the President of the Rwandese Basketball Federation (who also joined us for dinner) to ask him if he was interested in coming to Rwanda to do a camp for the children. Of course, he said yes! I explained that I was speaking with the President of the Basketball Federation and he needed to know if I knew of anyone who would like to develop a sports camp that would promote proper training for kids ages 12-17 years old. This proved to be most beneficial for everyone.

We are very humbled and proud knowing that our vision is to make this a great marriage between the Rwandese people and Youngsters B-Ball Coalition, Inc. while continuing to bridge the diaspora gap between America and Africa.

As we grow our camp here in the States, we count it a privilege to work abroad with the potential of extending our camp globally.


My experience with Youngsters B-ball Camp was an amazing one.  More like a blessing!  To coach children of different ages with little to no understanding of how the game is played was a challenge in it self.  As a woman, with a child of my own, the belief of achieving the goal of being a basketball player (semi or pro) in a male-dominated sport is slim to none.  We are taught to be nurturing caregivers but I believe that we are capable of doing jobs outside of the traditional roles while building a solid career doing it.

Although I worked with boys and girls at the camp, I focused on building relationships with the girls to emphasize the importance of self-confidence, developing good sportsmanship and becoming great team players.For me, it wasn't just about enhancing their skills or the desire to be good ball players, it was my love for the kids, basketball and just having fun learning about each other. I didn't know what to expect coming to Rwanda but I am so proud and extremely happy to have been a part of something so special to the next generation of Rwandans.  



Although I love my Brooklyn kids, I really had a great experience going to Rwanda.  Of course, like everyone else, I didn't know what to expect when I got there.  It was like I came home. I really felt like I was with family.  

The camp itself, the Rwandan Basketball Federation, and the kids were amazing.  The campers wanted to learn and once you have those that want to learn you can teach them something that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.  It was so easy, they embraced us, we embrace them, and they learned quickly and that's a great thing.  

The hospitality that was shown to us, the care they showed, and the devotion to the sport, said a lot about the importance of us being there to assist them in learning the techniques needed to progress in their game.  The Rwandan coaching staff did a great job in helping us with some of the language barrier that posed a challenge between the kids and U.S. coaches. Thank you!  

Overall, I had a great experience.  With all of the Rwandan love shown to me by the local people there, I can't wait to go back, ready, and prepared for my new home, Rwanda.



As a coach in Youngsters B-Ball Camp, I had an amazing time and experience. The Camp was a favorable area for kids to learn basketball skills and social tools.

In fact, the kids were selected from different regions (North, South, East and Western provinces and especially in Kigali).

The kids are talented and they have great potential and they improved day to day, but they need continuous support and encouragement in the basketball life and they need also an efficient follow up.

The camp should be done periodically according to education schedule (during the holidays), and also extend a little bit the duration. Overall, I am glad that I was selected to be a coach, not just to work with the kids but also to work with YBBCI on a regular basis as they build a partnership with my country, Rwanda.


When the coaching staff first recruited me to join them in Aruba, I have to say, I was really excited to go. I had heard so much about the beautiful Island and how welcoming the people of Aruba are and I was not disappointed. The kids were so committed to coming to camp every day, willing to learn the techniques that we shared and made my time with them (and their family members) on and off of the court one of the most memorable times that I had in 2023. Thank you Aruba, for the support and reminding me that YBBC is always welcomed to come back. See you soon!