"To enrich the skills of young athletes by using elements that will challenge, enhance, and ultimately prepare our future athletes to compete in leagues around the world."

Coach Groove & Coach Pat



About Us

What started as a hobby in Brooklyn NY, several years ago, with some neighborhood kids on the weekends turned into weekly workout sessions for Sean "Groove" Scarborough and Patrick “Pat or P” Burke.  After working with several young people who really took their training sessions seriously, Coach Sean and Coach Pat decided that they would open a basketball training camp at one of the local schools so that kids would have somewhere to train year-round.  

With the first camp up and running, Coach Sean saw the need to keep the camp going but bring it back to the neighborhood to ensure that all kids, no matter who they were, where they came from, or what economical situation they were in, had the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of the game of basketball. From that moment, Youngsters B-Ball was founded and in March 2017, Youngsters expanded its camp with an invitation to go to Kigali, Rwanda, where Youngsters B-Ball Coalition, Inc. came to fruition.  

Now, active in the global market of youth sports camps, YBBCI was designed to formally teach young athletes fundamental basketball skills through developmental drills, competitive interaction with fellow teammates, and in-house exhibition games while building character as well as sportsmanship. We are dedicated to encouraging and improving the standards of amateur basketball in the community.

Our ultimate goal is to get kids, with time on their hands and nothing to do, off of the streets and back into a family driven household by placing them in a structured environment, teaching them self-respect and good values, and helping them learn the importance of appreciating the family arrangement. While getting along with their peers, respecting adults, and learning how to function in society with dignity and confidence, we strive to do our part to make a difference in the community by changing the train of thought and actions of potential young players.

We strive to promote and build integrity, fairplay, and respect for one another as well as help them to strive for excellence through hard work and determination. Not only is YBBCI developing confidence, concentration, and discipline in our players but we are also diligent about promoting physical fitness, fun, enjoyment, and ultimately passion for the sport.


Our Vision


Our vision is to open a college preparatory (prep) school so that kids can come to the United States from around the world to receive a diverse and nurturing eduction but also to develop their skills so as to compete in AAU basketball tournaments that they otherwise may not get the opportunity to participate in in their home country. Students would not only get an excellent educational experience of studying in the States, they would also be afforded the chance to travel to various parts of the U.S. to gain an appreciation for the sport from various perspectives.

Local as well as international players would receive scholarships to attend the school, depending on the needs of the student. YBBCI would also house the international students (as a part of their scholarship offer) in our housing complex that would be on or near the school complex depending on the location of the school.

YBBCI’s priority would be to ultimately prepare graduate students for college, career and community involvement by means of the our dedication to the spot of basketball.